Post date: Mar 21, 2016 2:16:50 AM
First I would like to thank you for all your hard work this past friday. Hopefully you have been able to finish filling out your essay organizer and worked on your conclusion. If you were not able to finish writing your conclusion please do it today Monday March 21/2016. If you did finish please help the others finish. If you don't feel that your English is strong enough to help, start reading "From An Ordinary Man" Collections, Page 316 (the black book located on our library that we used to read "Is Survival Selfish".
Classroom Leaders please make sure to look over students paper and assign students to help students in need. Also check to make sure students didn't just copy the conclusions on the board, their conclusion should match their thesis. Ten minutes before call end make sure everyone starts stapling their conclusion to their paper. Collect all papers and place them together on my table the same way I do every day. Michelle and Steffi(Class M), Plumaje and Bah(class J), Ambar and Maria Bueno(class K), and Nair and Yonairys(class L)
Surgery seems to have gone well. I hope to be back to work on Tuesday.
On another note, I received a few poems assignment from you which was great. We will go over that assignment between Tuesday and Friday. Make sure you state on a second page which type of poem it's (haiku, Limerick, etc), literary devices you found (metaphors, simile, etc.) and staple the page to the poem you analyzed.
Once again, thank you very much for your hard work. I appreciate every single one of you and your effort towards being the best learner you can be. Learning should be an inspiration that comes from the heart as you notice how many wonderful things in life you can discover by being a learner.
Miss you all,
Yes, even the naughty ones! :)
Miss Grube